Sunday, December 6, 2020

I may have hurt some feelings

 so there is this lady that comes into our zoom meeting and we got into a discussion and I understand she is only using the knowlege she is given to do the best she can with for her parents who are elderly in this time of covid pandenic and shes talking about how if you have pre eshisting condition and how if you have a healthy immune system and i said thats not really how this virus is working there is so much more that we are not understanding we are treating this  virus like any other virus ... its not just any other virus we have never seen anything like this before in our lifetime and we dont know the long term effects that it goingto have on people ... the virus takes the young the old the healthy and the frail and it leaves no stone unturned in its path ... and the scientist havnt come out with a vaccine yet to fix it because we havnt had enough time to see how this virus will manipulate itself over the course of a year we dont know if the vaccine will be healthy for the young the old or the pregnant I told this lady

     "I want to apologize to you if you ever felt like I was speaking out of turn but being in the Medical Field people often dont know all the workings of disease and I dont know exactly what's going on and the scientist dont quite know whats going on with this Corona Virus but what I do know about viruses in the past is it takes a good long time before people do know whats going on and a way of how to fix it and human society has an aversion to doing what's right to what feels right ... and even though they have things in the works for this disease vaccinations and whatnot we dont know the long term effects of these things and we wont for some time especially if they are safe with the elderly or the pregnant or children .. a pill Thalidomide gave pregnant women great relief from having horrible nausea and vomiting and made them feel better but it had horrible deformation effects on the babies being born from those pills ... so we just dont know everything I dont claim to know everything we all need a little more knowledge and time to be able to say for certain what's going to happen in the future.. I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I hope you do come back I love a good conversation and debate ... and believe it or not I like your company you are a breath of fresh air and its nice to hear people of differing opinions otherwise we would all be the same and the world would be very boring...

"I am sorry I upset her but the fact is nobody knows what makes the virus more deadly than others .. but like any other virus it effects the very young the old and the immuno compromised more than other things like a rhinovirus or a flu virus and its amazing that I have lived so long being HIV positive has taught me to really appreciate every moment that I am given here on this planet and it really makes me appreciate just how frail this life is ... and sometimes people need to understand that just because you think your frail or old or young that doesn't mean that you are going to be more effected than people who are healthy young and supposedly uneffected ... because there have been proven that those people can carry the virus just as easily and pass it onto other people with no regard for anybodies health ... in the 1300s when the black plague was around it took out millions apon millions of people over a 10 year period because people refused to stay home they faught in ditches and gave eachother the black death and it spread faster than wildfire across the whole eastern european sector it took out 75% of the population before people understood stay at home dont go outside dont interact with people dont touch other things that people touch.cover your mouth wash your hands things that were not so readily available back then running water in every house clean bathrooms to use rubbing alcohol soap like these simple things can effect the way this virus spreads and we can do it but certain people choose not to use those things and when they get sick they insist that the healthcare system treat them which causes it to spread more it is amazing how this thing spreads its nothing like anybody in this century has ever seen .and what a way to break in a new decade and a new turn of the century its just amazing that we have gotten this far with all the people who dont believe in taking basic health precautions that are mostly available to everyone if you have a dollar store near you its amazing ... anyway 

all this to say I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings I hope we can be friends and I hope you will come back to the zoom meetings I love a good discussion and if you think you can bring more knowledge to the table heck I am more than willing to listen but if you haven't done a little bit of biochemistry and physiology and learned about medicines and how they work with the human anatomy please just try to understand that I have done the hard work for you and I am an excellent resource of a way to simplify things thats what doctors are for thats what we go to school for we go to school for like 10 years to learn how to tell you what's going on in a simplified form so you dont have to go to school and to give you the needed necessary information so you can go about your daily life ... and as I've said I dont claim to know everything I have a lot that I dont know about I am not a virologist I am not a biochemist I know how those things work but they are not my specialty and any pertinent information I am well willing to listen to.

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