Thursday, December 16, 2010

the aids service foundation

Our Mission
AIDS Services Foundation Orange County's mission is to prevent the spread of HIV and improve the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Orange County.
Our Story
A small group of volunteers founded AIDS Services Foundation, Orange County (ASF) in late summer 1985, because people were dying, desperately needed help, and had nowhere to turn. ASF is now the largest and most comprehensive not-for-profit AIDS-service organization in Orange County, with a staff of over 50 committed and caring individuals, a 22-member board of directors and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.
AIDS Services Foundation, Orange County helps more than 1,800 men, women, children, and families in Orange County living with HIV disease. Services include food, transportation, housing, emergency financial assistance, kids and family programs, mental health counseling, support groups and HIV education and prevention services. We hope for the day when we will never have to open our doors again. Until then, we work hard to ensure everyone living with HIV and AIDS in Orange County has access to life enhancing care and prevent its spread.
Giving to ASF
About AIDS
HIV/AIDS is a disease that affects men, women and children living in Orange County. ASF is committed to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS and to assist people living with both HIV and AIDS.
The Facts
What is HIV?
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This means that it only affects humans, and cannot be transmitted through animals.
HIV creates a deficiency in the immune system (a group of cells and organs which protect the body by fighting viruses and infections) and makes people more prone to colds, other infections and viruses.
HIV is a virus – a tiny organism that needs to get into someone’s blood to reproduce and thrive. It is the virus that can lead to AIDS.
A person who has HIV is said to be HIV-positive. People who have HIV are infected for life, as there is still no cure. Those living with HIV can look well and healthy for a long time.
What is AIDS?
AIDS stands for the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This means that it is not hereditary.
AIDS is indicated by deficiency or failure of the immune system. It is a syndrome – a collection of symptoms, not just one simple illness.
A person is said to have AIDS if they are infected with HIV, and another illness (“opportunistic infections”) then takes advantage of the state of their immune system. This combined effect can make someone seriously ill and even lead to death.
How can people become infected with HIV?
HIV is a blood-borne virus. It is NOT contagious in that it cannot be transferred in any other way than from blood to blood, vaginal fluids, semen (including pre-semen) and breast milk.
There are three main routes of HIV transmission:
* From unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal and anal) and oral sex with an infected partner;
* From sharing infected drug injecting equipment;
* From an HIV-positive mother to her child during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.
How HIV CANNOT be transmitted:
* Through casual contact (e.g. shaking hands and working together);
* From a sneeze, kiss, cough or hug;
* From food handling, sharing a plate or cutlery;
* From sharing a bathroom, toilets and showers;
* From swimming in a pool;
* From sharing food utensils such as dishes, glassware, cups or silverware;
* From sharing stationery, keyboards, books and mobile phones, including public phones;
* From sharing shoes and clothes; or
* From playing sports with someone who is HIV-positive.
For more information about HIV or AIDS, or to speak confidentially to a Health Educator, please contact our Health Education Staff:
* Martin Salas - Director of Health Education and
Prevention Services
* Mario Casas Gonzalez - Health Educator
* Edwin Ramos-Soto - HIV Counseling and Testing Coordinator
* Will Heilbut - HIV Prevention Specialist
* Todd Stevens- Project Supervisor
AIDS Services Foundation, Orange County provides most of its services to clients and families affected by HIV / AIDS free of charge. Vital client services include Transportation, Case Management, Emergency Housing and Financial Assistance, and Food Pantry. We also actively find new ways to get out Prevention messages to everyone in Orange County, especially those at risk. We also offer Health Education to people living with HIV so they can be more productive and live healthier lives. There are also Family and Kids Programs for children from 0 to 18, whether they are HIV positive or HIV affected.
For more information regarding these and other services, including eligibility requirements, please call (949) 809-5700.
AIDS Services Foundation recieves much of its support from caring individuals like you and various organizations (large and small) throughout Orange County. Whether you give financially, in-kind, or volunteer, your support is always greatly appreciated. Without you, we couldn’t help our clients who come to us for assistance every year.
You may donate on-line right now by clicking here , or you can contribute via postal mail:
AS Foundation
17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J
Irvine, CA 92614-6482
(Phone) 949-809-8766
ASF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Tax ID#: 33-0126481
ASF’s tradition of caring was started in 1985 by a small but dedicated group of volunteers. Today, volunteers are critical to the continued success of AIDS Services Foundation and to AIDS Walk Orange County. We are very grateful for the everyday contributions these special heroes make to ASF and to our clients.

Thank you for your interest in helping those living with HIV and AIDS in Orange County to live better, healthier lives.

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