Wednesday, August 29, 2018

tomorrow is my last day at the garage

tomorrow is the lasts day i will be sleeping in this garage i've grown accustomed to the smell of tires or greece or whatever that god awful stench is and the red floors and the black out curtains that i've stapled to the wall to keep out the light i am hoping to make this new place my home for the long haul i am hoping that it will be the place i can call home my permanent home but this will yet to be seen i have filled out the important papers which determine weather i qualify to move in and how i have to do the interview for the moving in process i do that  on friday early so i will be up earlier and earlier it is currently 930am tonight i will take my pills at 845 and i will hopefully go to bed sometime shortly after that and wake up around 8 am friday is moving day i am hoping to take a couple things on moving day and get a set of keys and a mail box and change of address for all my things and change internet over and social security and the bank and the phone and netflix and medical and pharmacy and ive already started thinking about christmas i have a drs appointment with doctor stallworth and i want to get her and the office staff something nice for christmas like a starbucks gift card or a gift card to babies are us or a 99 c store gift card something nice for the staff too a christmas card i would like to have a set of christmas cards done for the staff that would be so nice .. i wonder if larry will be around then ... i wonder how i will get by without him in the future i wonder if i will be sad when he is gone. i don't want him to be in pain anymore. but i want him to stay here as long as possible i love him and even though sometimes he makes me madder than a hornet i feel that i've never actually loved anyone else he loves me unconditionally without rime or reason and buys me everything my heart desires he bought me this computer a new watch a wireless charger for my phone a new mouse a new set of headphones and he keeps on giving i am so grateful for everything that he has enriched my life with that everytime i touch something of his i think of him....i wont find anybody like this again not in my i have to go to the orange library i forgot a cd from monk in my dvd drive and i'm sure they haven't figured it out yet but i think its good to be honest about things with the library they are helping people for practically free .... then i will probably start packing and taking my desk apart tomorrow for easier travel putting everything in bags and then

Monday, August 27, 2018

i dont know if i told you

for the last couple months ive been homeless and when i say homeless i mean living in places that are not ment for human habitation such as garages on the street in cars in allies on park benches and the like i applied to be in this place called Emmanuel house in santa ana california and its a place that i can afford to stay its 425 a month and 600 deposit i think i will be able to afford this for quite sometime i am really looking forward to this oppertunity i have been waiting over 13 years to live in this place it is beautiful its 2 story mansion and by mantion i mean mansion it has 21 rooms and a monster huge kitchen and a grand piano a fire place a dining table longer than 2 of me put together a library and a chapel it has on site staff in case i need something i cant wait to be able to tell you more but for now keep your fingers crossed that i will be able to move in by friday the 31st cross your fingers and thanks for all the hopes and prayers i really do appreciate them