Saturday, December 24, 2011


party will start with dinner and end with a new year so please bring your own boooz and leave your worries behind because this is a new year and the past is the past and there is nothing we can do about that so lets join together in this new year to come and drink heavily so we can forget our pasts and remember that tomorrow is only a day away ... this is my house so keep it classy and dress fancy its going to be a glam party
please keep in consideration that this is my house i live in a mobile home park and there is minimal parking please do not park along the wall park in the gravel parking lot behind my house there is limited space and if you want to spend the night that is find but please drink responsably bring your own sleeping bags and pillow if your spending the night and if yout leaving after the party keep in mind i do not promote drinking and driving your keys will be checked :)